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Meyzeek Middle School Bands

Why Band?

Our band students ("Bandlings") grow in several ways because of their involvement in our ensembles.


Our Bandlings will develop their:

          …musical prowess,


          …confidence in themselves and their musical skills,

          …personal goal setting and management skills,

          …awareness of music’s important role in the enrichment of the human spirit,

          …and develop a team approach and responsibility to the ensemble and the performance.


This is the time-honored rehearsal room of the Purdue University Bands.  In this picture are SOME of the students from 2017.  Pictured are over 300 student musicians, each of them very active in campus life, academic pursuits, and the PUAAMB (Purdue University All-American Marching Band).


According to their Assistant Director, a MINIMUM of 80% these students are majoring in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.


Do NOT let anyone tell you that you must

choose one over the other!

Mike Steidel

Dean of Admissions

Carnegie Mellon University


     "Students believe erroneously that it's all about academics.  The richer candidate is not just academic.  We are looking for students who bring interdisciplinary collaboration and engagement with others to the table.  One extra AP class is not going to make a student stronger.  Fine Arts are a key ingredient to innovation.  Without creativity and inspiration that come from the Arts, you can never be successful."

Michigan State STEM Grads

and Music




High School Students Do Better in Science, Math, and English if they Also Take Music Lessons

Football Starters IN BAND!!

40 Reasons

to Join Band!

High School Music and

Collegiate Success

Alzheimer's and

Musical Memory

© 2023 by James Daniel

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